
Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 Hello everyone today in class we did a PB4L. So we got given a sheet of paper with the CARR values those are Commitment, Achievement,Resilience and Respect. On the sheet it have some expectations for all school settings, learning spaces, moving between spaces, outdoor spaces and digital/cybersmart. Then we had to pick one that we do from each one and one the we don't do from each one.

Commitment learning spaces- I'm always in the right place at the right time. When the bell rings I'm at class or when i'm in class i'm in the right space.

Achievement all school settings- I always do my personal best, I'm always try doing it to a high expectations and I meet my dead line most of the time.

Resilience digital/cybersmart- I listen and apply feedback I also report any problems online and i'll be willing to try new technologies problem solve. 

Respect outdoor spaces- I can respect the equipment and make sure school property is taken care of.

2 things I don't do. 

always have good manners and appropriate languages I don't always use these some time it get out of hand. 

report any damages and dangers. I don't always do this 

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